Monday, December 16, 2013

A Sort of Introduction

Call me K.

I am a working mom to a wonderful little baby girl B.  I'm lucky enough to have a husband C who loves me and is willing to be a stay at home dad to our daughter.

I'm a Midwestern girl, born and raised.  I belong to the suburbs, to the wonders of Super Target, and to the magic of backyard campfires.

I am far from perfect.  My dishes often sit in the sink for days.  I'm horrified by some of the specs of things my daughter manages to find on the floor and put in her mouth.  I get mad at my husband for silly little things.

I believe in progress, not perfection.

Like anyone else, my life has had ups and downs.  Lately, I've been wanting to find a way to bring a bit more balance in this.  I blame it on Facebook.  Yes, Facebook.  That wonderful place where my friends share uplifting videos and stories and show off their happiness.  It's made me want to find a change in myself, to be a better person for my husband, for my daughter...  for myself.

I want to choose joy.

I've been a Christian all my life, but I've found that my beliefs have been changing a bit recently.  This blog is not about religion, but I'm finding it to be a natural extension of my journey.  It might get included in things here and there.

I am no one special, but I am working to make an improved version of myself.  This is my story.

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